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Mobilegeddon 2 – Everything You Need To Know About Google’s May Update

Here’s everything you need to know about Google’s new search engine update, un-affectionately dubbed “Mobilegeddon 2” by SEO’s in our field.

Yes, you heard right – Mobilegeddon is back. We wrote about Google’s mobile search update almost one year ago, and it seems that Google is still on the warpath to hunt down sites that aren’t mobile-friendly.

What’s Mobilegeddon?

Did you know? The dinosaurs weren’t wiped out all at once by a comet. Most dinosaurs died out by the aftermath.

In a similar event, Google is the comet that’s looking to drive unoptimized sites to extinction. The Mobilegeddon update last April hurt many sites that weren’t mobile-friendly.

The Mobilegeddon 2 update is coming around to finish the job.

The original update, which took place in April 2015, made “mobile optimization” a ranking factor. This stirred a lot of panic in a lot of website owners, and for good reason!

If you saw your search rankings drop last April, there’s a good chance that your search ranking will drop even more if you haven’t made any changes since then. Google’s new update will essentially turn up the effects of their mobile update in 2015 – meaning that your site better be mobile friendly this time around. Or else!

What’s The Good News?

The good news is that the Mobilegeddon 2 update only affects sites that are not mobile-friendly. This means that if you already have a responsive website designed to reach mobile users, you’re probably clear of this update altogether.

In fact, now’s a good time to benchmark your website and see how your competitors do in the coming months. You can also check to see if your site is mobile-friendly using the Google Mobile-Friendly Test.

What Do You Do Now?

If you’re the unlucky owner of a website that isn’t mobile-friendly, there’s still hope. We’re here to help! The new update takes place in May, so there’s still time to contact our marketing agency if you’d like an SEO-friendly, responsive website.