Fan watching football game

The 2014 World Cup Shatters Social Media Records – Again

Last month we wrote about how the changes in online marketing over the last four years are reflected in the 2014 FIFA World Cup. From how the games are viewed to the marketing strategies utilized by some of the largest companies in the world, there’s no shortage of data that can be analyzed from the event.

Yesterday’s game between Brazil and Germany (also known as #BRAvGER) shattered a significant social media record — the most discussed sports event in Twitter’s history. 35.6 million tweets were sent during game, which ended with an upsetting and dramatic 7-1 loss for Brazil, putting them in the 3rd place match on Saturday. (Here in the Cucumber Marketing Greenhouse we’re being extra nice to Atma, our developer from Brazil who is curgently coping with the loss.)

The previous record was 24.9 million Tweets during a live sporting event, during the 2014 SuperBowl in New Jersey.
Source: @twitterdata

The minutes after the fifth goal in the game also broke another record — the most tweets per minute at 580,166 tweets in just 60 seconds.
Source: @twitterdata

Facebook also saw 200 million posts, shares, comments and likes during the match from 66 million users, a new record for the largest social network in the world.

Of course both Facebook and Twitter are constantly growing and records will be broken during major world events, but that really is the takeaway here — the user adoption for social media is at an all-time high and will be for the foreseeable future. There are currently approximately 1.28 billion active Facebook users, half of whom have more than 200 friends. Twitter has over 255 million active users.

You most likely aren’t advertising through the World Cup, but the data once again shows that social media is connecting more people than ever across the world which opens up a world of potential for any business online today. Particularly with the advanced targeting options available for advertisers on social media, social is not only a source of potential customers for many businesses — it is the main source.

Get in touch to find out how we can make Facebook, Twitter and many other social networks work for your business goals in 2014!