Get In Their Head – Attracting Customers By Analyzing Behaviour

A few weeks ago we reviewed how to identify customers based on your brand. But, once you identify your ideal customer, how do you grow this client base?

There are two ways to increase sales: improve the conversion rate, or increase the number of leads Share on X

Logically, there are two ways to increase sales once you’ve identified your primary target:

  1. Increase the number of leads on your existing campaign
  2. Improve the conversion rate of your existing campaign

This article will address both ways of increasing your sales, to give you a starting point on testing new ways to grow your client base.

Gaining New Leads Via Social Media

The tried-and-true method of gaining new leads is to cold call potential clients through arduous research and effort…but that’s not really a fresh idea, is it?

Thankfully, many social media platforms offer automated ways to find like-minded individuals that may be interested in your product or service. Facebook, for example, has a “lookalike” feature to target users that are “similar” to the existing fans on your page.

If you’re not a fan of manual data shifting, or if you’re short on time and resources, using Facebook’s Lookalike feature can be one way of finding new leads.

A slightly more fun way of gaining new leads is to leverage your existing fans on social media, running contests to get their friends interested in your product. You can run this sort of contest on Facebook, Instagram or even Twitter to reach new qualified users.

Bird of a feather flock together – and if you treat your golden geese right, you might find more!

Improve Your Conversion Rate With A Smarter Sales Funnel

Sometimes, all it takes is one extra push.

Most salespeople would agree that it’s much, much easier to sell to an existing client than to a fresh lead. This is because they’ve gotten past the hurdle of trust – they’ve acknowledged you, they’re willing to do business with you, they’ve bought from you. Reopening that loop is as easy as sending a newsletter with a new offer for a seasonal product – or an updated solution to a recent trend.

But, what about the leads that don’t end up buying from you? What of the dozens of users that click on your ad, visit your website…and then simply leave?

See, they’ve surpassed a hurdle as well – they’ve clicked your ad – meaning that they’re already much more qualified than a user who has only seen your ad. Why haven’t they bought from you yet? There could be a multitude of reasons – perhaps they haven’t received their pay check yet, or the price isn’t right, or they’ve just recently spent too much money – there are a variety of reasons why they didn’t click on the “checkout” button.

But, they still clicked on your ad. That’s saying something.

Take this opportunity to run a retargeting campaign, only to users who’ve click through to your site in the past, reminding them that your product or service exists. Give them a new reason to purchase – perhaps a seasonal sale – to help address that last barrier to purchase that may have stopped them the first time.

If your ad didn’t work the first time, it may work a second time when your potential client is in a different state of mind. If your ad still doesn’t work – you may need a different product offering or price adjustment. Only when you’ve tried a couple of variations on the same group of individuals, should you infer that they’re the wrong market.

Data, Data, Data

At the end of the day, your sales numbers will only grow as fast as you can infer insights from your audience. Looking into Google Analytics will reveal a wealth of data – from geographic trends, to sales sources, to traffic trends – that will help you create better campaigns over time.

At our marketing agency, we provide a monthly report for each of our clients for whom we run digital marketing campaigns.

Interested in partnering up for your next digital campaign? Contact our marketing agency today – we always have chocolate 😉