Marketing Agency's 9th Birthday

It’s Our 9th Birthday

Cucumber Marketing is 9 years old! How that time flew by. All month we’ll be looking back over how we as a brand and marketing agency have changed. Plus, we will be celebrating our successful 9 years by giving away a few special prizes (so stay tuned for that)!

Think Fresh. Keep it Cool. Grow

This is what has guided us through all of our decision making over the last 9 years. If an idea doesn’t fit these principles, it doesn’t happen. Whether you’re a marketing agency, retailer, plumber or freelancer, we believe in the importance of sticking to your principles.


We know that fresh ideas challenge the status quo. Over the years we have attended a huge range of design and creativity conferences to make sure our work is the freshest it can be. This month we will be sharing the development of our brand and business over the past 9 years. Keep your eyes peeled for these tell-all articles!

Cucumber's 9th birthday


We help cool companies grow. We love working with clients that want to evolve and have challenging business goals to achieve something positive.

We use our marketing superpowers for good, not evil!

Feeling passion in our clients really spurs us on to think of the coolest ways to meet your goals.

Everyday throughout September our Instagram stories will focus on cool things that have happened in the industry throughout the last 9 years, so don’t forget to follow us!


If you are seeking a cool marketing agency in Vancouver to work with you on your growing business, we’d love to hear from you. Since Cucumber’s beginning, we have worked with some amazing clients and we’re sure you could well be the next! Whether you’re looking to work with a marketing agency for the first time or are looking to take your marketing in a fresh new direction, give us a call, or pop by – we always have chocolate (and if you get here quick, we might even have some birthday cake leftover)!

Birthday cake