How to choose the right marketing agency?

Now, that’s a tall order, isn’t it?

How do you choose a marketing agency that is right for your business? To make this short and sweet – in line with our brand promise of keeping communication clear, we will share one most important piece, in our humble opinion.

Choose a marketing agency that is aligned with your own company’s brand values. What do you value in your business? How is your company run? Is the human aspect important, or is it just to make the sale, is work-life balance important or just a buzzword for you?

Listen, we get it, you may not have your brand values written out on the wall, but you still have them, and they are shown in the way you work with your team, your clients, and also with your vendors.

The cool part of working with Cucumber is that, as a marketing agency, we help YOU have agency around your marketing decisions. This is one of our brand values around here.

What does this mean? 

Agency [noun] is the ability to take action or to choose what action to take.

What does it mean for a person to have agency?

Agency is the sense of control that you feel in your life, your capacity to influence your thoughts and behaviour and have faith in your ability to handle a wide range of tasks and situations. Your sense of agency helps you to be psychologically stable yet flexible in the face of conflict or change.

Why is this important? 

As a small business owner, you wear so many hats daily that you stretch your brain in many different directions. This may cause you to focus on working in your business instead of on growing your business and doing amazing work for your cool clients. We get that! That’s why one of our focuses is to provide you with data-driven decisions around marketing, so you don’t have to worry about this part of your business development and put your energy where it will be used for a bigger impact! 

Here’s What One of Our Clients, Mike Had to Say About This:

 “I don’t say enough how appreciative I am that you and your team are holding up the marketing in the background. I remember the days when I pointed a flashlight into all the corners of the business and had a sinking feeling when I pointed it in the marketing direction, always knowing that even the basics were not being tended to adequately. Thanks for all the work you do. You are awesome!”

Mike Payne, President – IMAGINE Maintenance

So, how should YOU choose a marketing agency? Only you know what is important to you. Ask yourself this: who would you want to have in “your corner” during those days when life throughs you a curve ball? That’s the type of marketing agency you want to work with – the one who will have your back!

Does this sound like a fresh idea to you? Cool! Get in touch with our marketing agency in Vancouver – we would love to set up a discovery call with you to see how we can help you grow your cool company.

Thanks for reading, and keep it cool!